Amazing Wagyu – from the paddock to the plate

For steak lovers here and around the world, you wouldn’t think it could get much better, or more mouth-watering than an incredible, beautifully-cooked, wagyu steak.

From the paddock to your plate - photo credit Hagan's Organic butcher

From the paddock to your plate – photo credit Hagan’s Organic butcher

Well, we at Rural Organics are here to share with you, a truly exceptional product, made by truly exceptional people….Biodynamic, Organic – amazingly cared for, Wagyu beef, courtesy of Trish and John Stewart and their beautiful farm at the base of the well-known ‘Grampions,’ in Victoria.  

Trish Stewart & their Biodynamic Wagyu

Trish Stewart & their Biodynamic Wagyu

The Stewart family have been farming beef for generations and now,  they specifically concentrate at perfecting Biodynamic Wagyu.  They are passionate about the care of their beef and land.  In particular they use a process that is known as “prepared 500” (or biodynamic soil spray) which was originally developed by Rudolf Steiner.

The word, ‘biodynamic’ means ‘enhanced organic farming.’  Organic farmers can only be accredited and certified by following strict procedures and taking incredible care of their land and animals. Bio-dynamic farmers take this to another level, with even more enhanced organic farming methods, that are on-song and intune with mother nature and the natural rhythms of life.

Stewart Family Biodynamic Wagyu Beef, is 100% grass-fed, with with the addition of their own silage, green feed and certified organic hay.  Around  50% – 75% of the beef on their farm is Wagyu, the other being Angus beef. The property is incredibly beautiful and a wholesome environment hence their animals are very quiet and happy.

So, where can you buy some? It is available at present at our selective stockists in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide:

Sydney:  Sam the Butcher,  Bondi

Melbourne: Hagens Organic Butchers, Richmond & Prahan Market, Rendina’s Butchery

Adelaide: P&A Organic Meats


Incredible! - Biodynamic Wagyu on the farm BBQ

Incredible! – Alice and baby Grace enjoying cooking Biodynamic Wagyu on the Stewart farm outdoor BBQ