
Cattle-InspectionRural Organics has enjoyed practical hands on experience in the farming, marketing and organic and bio dynamic industries.

We have designed a flexible, enjoyable and unique way to achieve this knowledge and skills, leading to a positive outcome for participants. We will continue to strive to ensure that our learning methods are practical, simple, faster, easier and great value to assist you in achieving your goals.
Our services are designed to provide tools so that you can understand and manage the organic and bio dynamic production.

Rural Organics offers:

  • Assistance with organic certification through ORA
  • Ongoing training and facilitation
  • Continuous consultation co-ordinated by ORA between the producer and organic accreditation organisations
  • Marketing and promotions
  • Preparing organic management plans
  • USDA/NOP accreditation(USA organic accreditation)
  • JAS accreditation( Japan)
  • EU Accreditation (European)
  • Working with AQIS accreditation for exporters

Please feel free to contact us today to inquire about certification of your farm, abattoir, processing or packaging company.

Download ORA Service Agreement form