Certified Organic Wool

Janie and her Certified Organic WoolJanie McClure continues to produce certified organic wool with more energy and passion than ever!

She believes the timing is right as there is less wool yet more consumer demand for wool in recent months. The organic certification gives her wool a further edge in the market place as it is a product that consumers feel good about.

Together with broker, Eamon Timms from Fox & Lillie Rural, she has produced her own Brochure on Australian certified organic wool to forward to markets worldwide.

aus-certified-woolLANDLINE (ABC) – 29 July 2007

It’s highly sought-after by European and American buyers, and some of the biggest clothing chains in the world simply can’t get enough of it. Organic wool only makes up 0.1 per cent of Australia’s total clip, but with premiums of 10 to 20% above the conventional wool price, an increasing number of graziers are making the switch.

Leading the charge are producers in the far west of New South Wales. Read the full transcript