Tony & Pam Fitzpatrick
Tony & Pam Fitzpatrick are Biodynamic Beef & Lambs Growers who, for up to 10 months of the year, supply Rural Organic’s lamb and beef into Melbourne’s elite processor and butcher shops.
Each year in Melbourne Cup week, the Fitzpatricks very kindly give Janie a lamb of which the loin and rib chops are religiously picked out.
Janie then barbeques them to take to the Nursery enclosure at Flemington, where each year, she attends as a guest of Wal Merriman (chairman of AWI) and his wife Tina. The chops are so sought after that upon Janie’s arrival, Wal has to play “BBQ bodyguard” and only hands them out as he sees fit.
Particularly noted for their taste and tenderness, the chops go like hot cakes, and seem to be every race-goer’s “must-have”.