Ballangeich Organic Angus Beef

At Rural Organics we are passionate about the people who work with us to bring you amazing quality beef and lamb, from the paddock to the plate.  With that in mind, we’d like to introduce you to John and Sue Sambell and their team from Ballangeich Organic Angus.

Janie from Rural Organics visiting with John Sambell

Janie from Rural Organics visiting with John at the farm.

John says:

“Organics is a better way to go. We have been using organic fertilisers for the last 15-20 years. The more you see of organics the more you see it is a good idea. Using naturally sourced products greatly improves the soil, the grass, and benefits the health of the cattle. The cattle are handled with care in a low stress environment. Our stock are high marbling grass fed cattle resulting in juicy, flavorsome and tender beef.”

Prime Angus

The Sambells know excellent quality meat, it runs in the family. John’s father was a butcher, who with his mother, turned to farming when they bought their property in the 1970’s. It has since expanded to be 4000 acres, now running 2200 cattle and now their team has also grown to include John, Sue, their son Steven ….and manager Nathan who has been there 11 years.

Ballangeich are renowned for producing high quality Angus beef. While organic farming practices have been used at Ballangeich for the last 20 years, this was formalised when the farm achieved certification in 2011.

The farmers amongst you reading this will appreciate that John also appreciates diversity in farming, breeding bulls and high quality beef. He did the first lot of Artificial Insemination in 1982 and was one of the first to do power plate calves.

It is easy to see why their meat is amazing and farm successful when you hear John talk passionately about having his first lot of steers come up naturally with no drenching and that he partakes in the Beef and Wheat Field Days going from one end of Victoria to the other. This man loves a challenge!

We wish all at Ballangeich the best of luck for the future and welcome them to our Rural Organic Family.


Alice from Rural Organics at Ballangeich